Jenny provided an external evaluation of our respectme reward validated self-assessment programme. Her ability to assimilate information and distil it coherently for a variety of audiences is highly developed, intuitive and impressive.  Jenny is knowledgeable across a range of disciplines and policy areas, making her both current and relevant when approaching the subject matter at hand.

Jenny has a warm, approachable style, matched with a steely determination pointed towards task completion on time, within budget and with the integrity and independence required from an external review.  No question presented ever feels irrelevant or unnecessary, which leads to a lovely balance in the working relationship and a real learning environment. Jenny’s flexibility and capacity are unrivalled in my experience and the end product is a high quality report, immediately ready to share with funders.  All aspects of the commission, from the fee quote through to final invoicing, were executed with aplomb, with some valuable pro-bono extras adding value too!

Thank you again for another seamless piece of work which adds significantly to our understanding of stakeholder needs and sets out clear recommendations for follow-up.  Until the next time… !

Jenny undertook a piece of consultancy to support the development and roll-out of our online training through Moodle. This involved offering her skills and guidance with regards to designing and creating the course, evaluation of the finalised training product and consultation work with a pilot group of trainees.

Jenny brings lots of experience, which ultimately makes her a very efficient partner for our work. She has great technical knowledge of learning management systems and her knowledge of Moodle has been invaluable to us. She also has knowledge of community-led practices and is able to infuse this into her support relating to the content and methods within our projects.

Jenny is very human! She is warm and approachable without ever losing her professional approach and this makes her ideal for project collaboration with us, and also enables us to fully trust her interaction with our external partners.

Jenny assisted the ABCofP to develop our own interactive bite-sized training.  She helped us to navigate Lumi, research images and assisted with creating some of the training aspects with us and uploaded them into H5P and onto our website. Jenny has a really good understanding of how to produce interactive training and was able to show us how things fit together.  We had no experience of doing this so were complete novices.  Jenny was patient, kind and encouraging and recognised our own specific training needs.

Jenny is methodical.  She did a lot of prep work prior to each of our meetings and was exceptionally flexible and worked to tight deadlines.  She also kept us working towards those deadlines which was really helpful. Her knowledge and experience in training on-line really helped us to keep on track.

I would very much recommend Jenny for her skills and abilities and generosity of knowledge sharing.  I feel really excited about producing more content and hope to work with Jenny next year to develop the on demand, bite-sized training both in this role and in my other roles.

Jenny conducted a comprehensive small research project into the correlation between ADHD and the Homeless. She has a wealth of experience into the world of research and a clear mind with a real talent for immediately getting the essence of what we were looking for. Her prior knowledge of the condition was a real bonus.

Jenny is very open and friendly but extremely efficient and focussed. She was very encompassing to our thoughts and was able to effortlessly incorporate this into the project. I was really impressed with how she was able to cut through a tangle of words to pin point how to move forward with our requirements.

I thoroughly enjoyed working with her. We were absolutely delighted with the piece of work, the research and presentation of the project made the subject matter interesting. I would highly recommend Jenny to anyone and will definitely use her again.

Jenny has been instrumental in upskilling our team in using the Moodle platform for creating our suite of online training. Jenny was there from inception to completion, and each step of the way was able to provide advice and solutions to any issues we had, often saving our staff team countless hours.

Jenny has a unique ability to teach technical things in a way that was clear and accessible for all our staff team. Some staff members had little tech experience, yet Jenny was able to explain processes in a way that our staff easily picked up and understood. Jenny always came back with an answer to any of our issues or problems and was able to help implement those solutions.

Jenny often goes above and beyond. Out staff team who worked with Jenny always came back and complemented her style of working and their enjoyment in working with her. Nothing was ever too challenging for Jenny. As a busy organisation, being able to rely on her like we did has meant our finished products are even better than we expected – and without the headache of trying to learn it all ourselves! We genuinely feel so lucky to have her in our corner! It’s been so reassuring to know she’s here and able to provide an insightful eye for the first time delving into digital training.

Jenny provided an important evaluation service for an innovative pilot programme our organisation was testing at a local level with a view to national roll-out. She brought insight, situational intelligence and connection to the role.  Jenny is highly skilled in analysis, distillation and summarising volume data into accessible, structured feedback for universal consumption.  Her experience, knowledge and professionalism shone throughout the process alongside her content knowledge on our subject matter (anti-bullying).

Jenny has a good-natured, positive and curious approach to her work.  I like her sharp wit, humour, sense of perspective and calm demeanour – it can diffuse stress in an instant.  Jenny is organised, diligent and her skill in making the difficult look easy is outstanding!

I genuinely could not offer an area for improvement.  She was timely in her initial response, immediately responsive throughout the process, the report quality and content was superb and she managed relationships with our stakeholders impeccably – one commented on welcoming the value of her robust questioning style.

Practically perfect in every way!

Jenny delivered three workshops on facilitation skills and coaching sessions for staff in pairs. She was very experienced in the topics, experience of delivering facilitation in different settings, and awareness of the sector and working with people and communities.

Jenny had a great level of understanding of our specific needs, she adapted to our needs throughout the contract period and was kind and considerate. She is very reasonable in terms of her pricing and I think probably does do more than what is covered in the costs.

Since September 2018 I have been supporting the Community Brokerage Network with the development and delivery of their SQA customised award.

Jenny has led on designing materials, marketing and promoting the award as well as recruiting candidates from the outset of the award to our current cohort and we hope she will continue to work with us and support this programme of work as her contribution has been invaluable.

She organised, facilitated and participated in the interviews of potential candidates for the award. This helped separate the selection process of candidates from the teaching/facilitated learning process giving the selection process a degree of independence.

Jenny completed all of the follow up work bringing her expertise, excellent knowledge, skill and understanding of a complex SQA system to the role. She assisted us through the maze of paperwork and formal requirements – no mean feat!

Jenny is very well organised. She also demonstrated excellent negotiating skills and secured an SAAS contribution route for students. Working with our accountant she ensured the award was financially viable to deliver and has assisted with our pricing to ensure it is sustainable for the long term.

She has assisted us greatly in the transition from being college based to being able to deliver the award online as a result of the Covid pandemic. She introduced us and taught us how to use appropriate online platforms, various virtual tools and supported the delivery by being available for any technical challenges that arose.

Where there have been candidates who have struggled with some of the complexities of returning to learning Jenny has always been available to assist us by providing information in other formats to help meet their learning needs in an individualised way which has resulted in excellent completion rates of the award.

Jenny has the right balance between making decisions for us when it was needed and deferred as appropriate. She is very thorough in her work and works well on her own initiative but regularly updates on progress. She knows what we need doing, knows how to do it and delivers without any fuss. She focuses on finding solutions to challenges which is excellent.


Jenny provided a brief scoping of e-learning opportunities in connection with a desire to provide information and training in a e-learning format. She showed the ability to identify need and focus on what can be achieved in a short time with contacts and a general awareness of what is going on ‘out there’. She was easy to relate to. I had the feeling that I was being carefully listened to by someone who was interested in our work. She produced a helpful report within the agreed time parameters.

George Ruston, Development Officer, The Salveson Mindroom Centre