Flying Underground help people
and organisations learn
We’re inspired by the spirit of underground education,
flying universities and edupunk following these four principles:
What we offer

Design of bespoke programmes to meet the needs of your organisation including face-to-face and distance learning options – helping you to do it for yourself.

Creation of off-the-shelf or tailored resources to support your delivery – all produced with a diy ethic.

Creative delivery – working with groups to develop the learning programme they want.

External evaluation of educational programmes – supporting you to measure and build on the success of your programme.

Support and guidance for your teaching and learning, including reflective practice, accredited learning and action research.
Who are we?
Jenny Reekie

I have always loved devising creative delivery techniques, so in 2018, I established Flying Underground to support others with resource and programme development.
I spent 18 years working as a tutor, development worker and manager in community-based adult learning. Specialising in literacy and numeracy delivery, I worked alongside many amazing learners, navigating the journey towards major life goals. Whether you’re a tutor or a learner, there is always something new to learn, mainly about yourself! I’m a firm believer in taking time out to think about and improve what you do and how you do it. I’ve developed tools and approaches for reflective practice and action research to support my own and others’ development. You can find some of them in the Resources section, or contact me for more ideas.
My DIY ethic extends to comics, gardening and not-very-good joinery